The WHY behind all that I do
Jan 29, 2022The WHY behind everything we do in life is the driver that gets us out of bed every morning. And even if you don’t realize what your WHY is, most likely you can feel that there is something that makes you do or not do things.
The extent to which we are willing to put our energy and effort into getting what we want depends on how badly we want it. How much it means to us.
Why do you want to trade? Why is it important to you to make it as a trader?
I usually pose these questions to my students. And recently I have been asked about my WHY. Why do I coach traders and help them to become successful? After all, I am already making a living trading and have the freedom to do whatever I desire with my time. So, why would I put my effort and energy into this?
Looking back at my life, the moments that truly mattered, and that stayed in my memory and fed me in a positive way are the things that I did for other people. Not something I bought. Not how much money I made. But how I impacted the lives of others. I realized that even a simple conversation or a gesture at the right time can change everything.
I came to believe that the meaning of my life can only be measured by how much the things I do mean to others.
So, every day I strive to make each moment count and make a difference for other people. I continuously think about how I can move my students forward on their trading journey. How can I help them see the things that I see in them? And because I know how much becoming successful means to them it gives me my purpose in life. And I also enjoy the process along the way.
I think the universe was preparing me for this work all along. Sometimes, it feels like I lived several lifetimes in a fast-forward mode and got thoroughly tested all the way through. But every time I fell down I got back up because I had this strong drive of survival and plenty of confidence in myself.
At least until I started day trading.
Very soon after, I got badly hurt by repetitive losses. I got fearful and ended up in a cycle of failing. I was making money and losing it all, over and over again. And even though my strong survival mindset wouldn’t let me quit my sense of confidence was deeply hurting and diminishing with every red day. I was pushing my way through fighting with myself and the market, but I was losing the battle every time. This fight took about two years of my life.
And if you are a trader who is stuck in the failing cycle you might understand how I felt. I am not a quitter, but at that point I sure felt like a loser. I was defeated, but I didn't want to give up. My head kept telling me that if I truly put my mind to it I can make it work.
So, after a few months away from the market and a lot of soul-searching, I went back to trading.
This time I told myself that when I manage to end the failing cycle, I can help other traders in the same process. Being a life coach and having a natural inclination to bring out the best in people, felt exhilarating and just right. The perspective of delivering this incredible value to those who want to realize their dreams with trading made me feel alive again. It helped me to make it happen.
Because let's be honest. Trading is not about making money. It never is. Even if you make it a reason why you get into it. Because if money was the reason you would be out a long time ago. And definitely after giving back a chunk of your capital to the market.
And trust me, I know how it is to lose yourself in the process. I know how small and insignificant it feels when you keep failing over and over again. Where each day starts with high hopes and ends with disappointment in yourself.
And I cannot think of any other job that lures you in under the cover of helping you to realize your dreams and then slowly, day by day, it takes them all away from you. And if you don’t find a way to use your power to stop it, it will break you down to pieces. It will destroy your confidence, and self-esteem and bring devastation across other domains of your life. I am not trying to scare you here, but I have seen it happening to many traders. And if I had not found a way to get out of the failing cycle - most likely I would not be trading and coaching traders today.
So, I know how difficult it can get. But I also know how it feels when you turn things around. When you finally start seeing the results you want. When your dreams come to life.
We all have the ability to achieve our goals. We have a powerful mind to help us. We can do anything if we believe in ourselves. And maybe that's not something you are a believer of, but I want to share a little story with you that made me absolutely convinced about it.
In 2000, during my Neuro Linguistic Programming study, one of the assignments during a breakthrough session was to push with your bare hand through a wooden board. Not to slam it like Bruce Lee, but simply visualize your goal on the other side of the board and push through it.
At first, it seemed like a mission impossible, but the whole group of 35 people, each and every one of them eventually did it. Some tried hitting it hard first - but the board was pretty thick and the force did not work.
When it was finally my turn, I felt an incredible influx of energy rushing through my body while Chariots of Fire from Vangelis was blasting from the speakers. To this day this music gives me goosebumps!
The board was placed on two steady blocks to hold it off the floor. Following the instructions I placed my right-hand fingers on the board, and focused all my attention on my goal imagining the board being no obstacle, and boom!… I pushed my hand through it! The board got broken in half and I did not feel any pain! It was as if the board wasn’t even there!
It is hard to express the incredible power I experienced at that very moment. Like I entered a totally new dimension, at that moment I just knew that we are so much more than we can comprehend and we can do anything if we put our mind to it!
From then on, the question for me was never “if”, but always “how”.
And I just know that this applies to everyone. You too have the power and it’s just a matter of using it! The only open question is, how important is it to you to achieve your goals?
What is your WHY? What drives you to become a successful trader?
If you have a strong WHY but struggle to follow your trading plan and keep failing to make a consistent profit, schedule your FREE strategy session with me here.
Let’s talk about how I can help you put your power to use, so you can get out of the losing cycle and make your dream life your reality.