Your mindset is key to your trading success

trading mindset Jan 12, 2021

One of my biggest obstacles I experienced was becoming consistent. I made the same mistakes over and over but couldn’t understand why it was happening. My first two years of trading were making money and losing it over and over again. Why? I kept holding on to a loser.

I realized it was connected to my beliefs. I believed that I didn’t deserve to be successful. My experience from her early years was that my success would hurt someone else. Therefore, I couldn’t enjoy success and began sabotaging it. My subconscious patterns were still at work. It was an emotional realization.

It takes courage to face what you don’t want to face. It’s one of the reasons why 90% of traders don’t succeed. You will be confronted with yourself on a level that you might have never imagined possible. All your fears will come to life and they will confront you sooner or later. Not everyone is ready or willing to do this. But the truth is, you need to focus on yourself and your mindset before working through strategies.

Your trading niche - your performance zone

Finding your trading niche isn’t something that has to do with a setup or a strategy. It has to do with finding your performance zone. It is learning your traits and how you perform in life that you project into trading. I firmly believe in the adage “If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.” I analyzed strategies in other areas of my life and applied them to trading.

I started making money within two weeks. My profit factor rose over three points (which means I made 3x more than my losses). The year after I doubled my account. I now average 5x more than what my losses are. And it all started with changing my mindset.

Learn more about my confidence-building strategy and the coaching course that I offers by listening to the whole episode!

Click here to listen


Agnieszka Wood

Trading Mindset Coach 






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